Trade Log

About Me

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I was trading for 2 years, and gave up after what it seemed like the world was just stopping me from winning!

I'm now revisiting my goal of making money from the E-mini market with a starting capital of $3,000.

Please know that I am not attempting to teach anything nor sell anything here. Trading is risky business. It's a common believe that 80-90% of traders lose money


1st Day of Testing

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

It took me many weeks to get Ninjatrader up and running again on my computer. I had to re-learn how to set up my charts, how to load the historical data, etc.

After putting my indicators together, today is the first day I am testing my strategy, which produced 2 trades which lasted about 1.5 hours.

I broke even on the first trade. The 2nd trade made me 2 points on the 1st lot, and 5.5 points on the 2nd lot. That's about $375 of profit for both lots before commission.

As I type this, I am still amazed at that sweet sweet take profit on the tip of the shadow.

Hopefully, there'll be more of the same to come..

I'm Back!

It's been about 5 years since I've last posted.

Just right after my forward testing, there were a heap of changes that occured. The way ticks were counted had changed, Ninjatrader upgraded from 6.5 to 7.0, my computer crashed after upgrading windows. It seemed like the world just wanted to stop me from trading.

Now new found motivation, I'm back and I'm putting together a similar strategy incorporating some new tools & indicators.