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I was trading for 2 years, and gave up after what it seemed like the world was just stopping me from winning!

I'm now revisiting my goal of making money from the E-mini market with a starting capital of $3,000.

Please know that I am not attempting to teach anything nor sell anything here. Trading is risky business. It's a common believe that 80-90% of traders lose money


Week 3: Day 14

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Week 3: Day 14, originally uploaded by 10k10weeks.

Another trending day for longs. Prices just took off after a little pullback on the opening bell.

I took a short, but when I saw the reversal signal, my brain just froze and my finger just wouldnt click the "reverse" button. Looks like I have yet to overcome this issue which I had highlighted just days back.

And one mistake led to 2 other losers.. As part of my trading rules, 3 losers is all I can take in a day, so I stopped trading right after that last one.

Most of yesterday's gains were wiped out.

Total loss for today is $325.00


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