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I was trading for 2 years, and gave up after what it seemed like the world was just stopping me from winning!

I'm now revisiting my goal of making money from the E-mini market with a starting capital of $3,000.

Please know that I am not attempting to teach anything nor sell anything here. Trading is risky business. It's a common believe that 80-90% of traders lose money


Week 8: Day 39

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Week 8: Day 39, originally uploaded by 10k10weeks.

Nice pre-market movement earlier in the day, but I couldn't be with my screen to manage every minute of things. It could have been better if I did, but I'll just have to live with what's happened.

I made 6 trades today to capture 2 shorts. I opted for a tight stop after opening bell, so I got out with a MUCH lesser profit that I would have if I hadn't been overly conservative with my stops. But then again, I could have a re-shorted it at the top of the retracement, so nevermind that. It's the usual greed talk. I'll just try to improve on that.

Anyway, I was happy to end the day with an extra $675.00 accumulated to my profits.

I did think of trading the 10 o'clock news when I was doing this update, but I decided to stay out of it.

At the moment, this is looking like my best week so far. Hoping to end it with a nice positive bang tomorrow!


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