Trade Log

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I was trading for 2 years, and gave up after what it seemed like the world was just stopping me from winning!

I'm now revisiting my goal of making money from the E-mini market with a starting capital of $3,000.

Please know that I am not attempting to teach anything nor sell anything here. Trading is risky business. It's a common believe that 80-90% of traders lose money


Week 6: Day 27

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Week 6: Day 26, originally uploaded by 10k10weeks.

I wasn't really excited to trade today because there was no news, and we've just got back from a long weekend.

I tried 2 shorts, but both got taken out before it moved my way (one of them at breakeven). Its just one of those days that weren't meant to be.

So I'm happy to just take a hit of -$112.50 and call it a day.


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