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I was trading for 2 years, and gave up after what it seemed like the world was just stopping me from winning!

I'm now revisiting my goal of making money from the E-mini market with a starting capital of $3,000.

Please know that I am not attempting to teach anything nor sell anything here. Trading is risky business. It's a common believe that 80-90% of traders lose money


Week 2: Day 10

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Week 2: Day 10, originally uploaded by 10k10weeks.

What an explosive market movement!

It's funny.. I trade everyday just to wait for moves like this, and the day that I say pass to a signal, is the day I would have made 16.5 points on a trade.. I would have doubled my weekly profit with just this one trade!

I learnt from Dr. Van Tharp's book that missing a huge move is more painful than getting my stop loss hit. He's spot on with that. I'm having a donkey face moment right now...

Anyway, that's now my mantra for pulling the trigger. May it be the time I'll learn this lesson.

For me that's the big move for the day. It has occured, and I wasn't on it. So I'm done.

Total Profits for Week 2 = $862.50

That's a 265% improvement over last week's performance. I guess that would have to be my consolation.


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